Peter Caty/The Mirror

The American flag – the symbol of this nation and everything that this nation stands for; an item that citizens should be reverent of and should show respect towards, even if they disapprove of the country’s policies or actions. That is exactly what Karl Baldner of Orange County, FL was trying to do when he asked John Granfield, a local real-estate agent, to remove an American flag from atop his office that was, as Baldner says, “In bad shape; the colors were faded and more than 50 percent of it was missing.”

Baldner, a veteran who served a decade in the U.S. Army, was frustrated that a fellow American would knowingly fly such a worn and tattered flag. This frustration prompted Baldner to enter Granfield’s office and request that the flag be taken down. Granfield told Baldner that he considered the flag’s condition to be an accurate representation of the country’s current status. A month later, when Baldner saw that the tattered flag had still not been removed, he went to the real-estate office, removed the damaged flag, and left a note with his name, phone number, and a message telling Granfield that he would be returning with a brand-new flag, which he would hang up. When Granfield returned from vacation and saw that his disgraceful flag had been removed from his office building he filed charges against Baldner for theft.

This entire issue brings us to a larger point – just because one has a right to do something doesn’t mean they should. Being a good citizen means respecting one’s fellow citizens and the things that they see as important. Yes, Granfield can fly a torn and abused American flag, but should he? Yes, a protestor can fly the flag upside down (inferring a state of distress), but should they? Yes, protesters can burn an American flag, but should they?

The American flag is a symbol of freedom, democracy and liberty to the vast majority of citizens, not to mention a symbol of pride to the countless men and women who have fought and died to defend freedom and the great country which that flag represents. Yes, Baldner did technically break the law when he removed the tattered American flag from private property, but Granfield, who appears to have an issue with the country that he lives in, would be smart to remember that the veterans, like the one he has pressed charges against, have served this nation on his behalf and have given him the freedom to show his disapproval.

As we approach Christmas and spend time with friends and family let us not forget the men and women who are far from home, protecting every one of us, so that we may enjoy the holiday season in peace and safety. Every minute of every day great Americans stand guard, defending us from those who wish to hurt us. It is these brave Americans who give us the ability to enjoy the liberties and freedoms that make America the greatest country in the world.

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