Many students can find getting into the “holiday spirit” a difficult feat when plagued by finals season. The constant stream of essays pouring in and looming exams can make jamming out to Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas” seem like the most unattractive activity. However, being a student on a Jesuit campus has its perks – like having a glistening Christmas tree set up everywhere you turn. Even though finals can take a mental toll on University students, the holiday season is a time of reflection, and Fairfield provides many opportunities for you to enjoy all of the wonderful holiday perks of while combating those pesky finals. You can even look to your friends and roommates to come together to create a semblance of some holiday cheer in the thick of all the final projects and assignments.
For starters, the annual tree lighting will take place on Thursday, Dec. 6 outside the Egan Chapel at 6:15 p.m. This is a great way to take a brief 45 minute study break, enjoy the most beautiful Christmas tree Fairfield has to offer, grab some hot cocoa and head back to club Dimmena to finish up that essay.
Service engagement is another great way to embrace one’s holiday spirit. On Saturday, Dec. 8 Al’s Angels is hosting a Holiday Meal Assembly and are in need of volunteers to help assemble holiday care packages and deliver the meals. Helping others is a great way to re-direct one’s mind away from schoolwork while still feeling accomplished by helping out others who aren’t as fortunate.
You can also make your residential hall/apartment a home and decorate with your roommates to stop feeling stuck during finals and give you a little taste of home at school. Sometimes all it takes are little stockings or decorations from CVS to add some Christmas cheer.
If you’re not in the ~mood~ to decorate, a quick two hour study-break to watch a holiday themed movie could also be the quick Christmas fix you need. The classics such as, “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “White Christmas” are wholesome enough that you feel like you learned a nice moral lesson along the way so you aren’t necessarily wasting time. The new movie on Netflix, “The Princess Switch,” will allow you to live through Vanessa Hudgen’s idyllic holiday princess moment rather than make you feel like you have an unbearable amount of work to cope with.
Regardless of how much work you have, The Mirror wishes you luck with your finals and projects and hopes the end of your semester is merry and bright! See you in 2019!
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