1. You’ve tapped a keg before breakfast- and it wasn’t for Keg Races, Forgotten Path or Nolan’s 21st.

2. You know all the taxi drivers’ names, you’ve been in your own version of taxi cab confessions and have their cell phone numbers on speed dial.

3. You bring your own toilet paper to The Bunny.

4. You can locate the regular path, Forgotten Path, and that other creepy path better than you can locate Canisius, Donarumma and Bannow.

5. At each party you are avoiding at least one person- that sketchy guy you dated that never called back, that really touchy feely guy that doesn’t shut up or get the hint and that guy who threw up on that girl at the Turtle. Everywhere you go you run into that person.

6. You don’t have a pass? It’s no problem! Since you know all the hidden paths, you’re able to sneak in easily.

7. You fear getting a ticket for misuse of a public road- or almost ran over someone who has.

8. You sport your official Point uniform (pleated miniskirt for the girls, and blue polo for the guys- P.S. don’t forget to pop the collars).

9. You’ve swam in the pool at the Turtle… before finding out that random people had sex in it.

10. You know the complete floor plan for each house, the second bathroom, all the bedrooms and where the reserves are because you’ve either peed, puked, hooked up or escaped security in those houses.

11. You wake up with a sixth toe because in your drunken stupor you swam in the Long Island sound.

12. You have a draw for your toga, Hawaiian shirt, tennis outfit and CEO suit.

13. You never remember your Point friends’ names while on campus.

14. You’ve walked two miles to the Third Hump… Because the guys at The Zoo are that hot.

15. None of this seems familiar to you, but then again you can never remember how you got home the last time you visited the Point.

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