Finding The School That Has It All

When I was looking at schools, at almost every tour and on every virtual webinar, all the students were saying that they knew at first sight that that school was for them. The moment they toured, they knew...

Feeling Like More Than a Number

I’ve always hated numbers. For one, I can’t do math. When I tell you that I’m horrendous at math and that I struggle with basic numbers, I’m so serious! I wish I was joking. But anyways, enough about...

Five Tips For First Year Success

For any college freshman, taking that first step into university living can be incredibly daunting. Between learning the lay of the land, making friends and figuring out course schedules, vast waves of new...

Getting Oriented

As we work on our final issue for orientation, we can’t help but think of our own orientation experiences. Although it was only one night away from home, it was scary to dive into the college experience. But...