“A Simple Favor” (dir. Paul Feig) stars Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively and Henry Golding, and follows the story of single mother, Stephanie (Kendrick), who begins to unravel the disappearance of her best...
“White Boy Rick” (dir. Yann Demange) tells the true story of “White Boy” Rick Wershe Jr. (Richie Merritt) and his rise to the top as a hustler, drug dealer and FBI informant, all before the age of 17...
Wes Anderson’s newest film, “Isle of Dogs,” was released in select theaters on March 23 and worldwide on April 13. Although it has gotten a lot of mixed opinions, it has grossed over 39 million...
I’m one of those very annoying people who watches too many horror movies, the good and the bad of the genre, and this has given me a lot of opinions as to what makes a good or different horror movie. While...