Next week marks the last day of classes for the fall semester, ending on Dec. 11. With finals quickly approaching, it is helpful to think of different studying tips and stress reduction techniques to make sure you are well prepared and relaxed for your exams. I’ve compiled a few tips that I find always help me as finals week approaches, and I hope that there’s something here to help you as well! 

  1. Quizlet 

Quizlet is a lifesaver when it comes to studying and preparing for any exam, especially when you need to memorize terms and definitions. Making flashcards on Quizlet is a great way to test your knowledge and see what you need to focus on or study more. 

  1. Self-Care/Relaxation 

It’s important during finals week to make sure to take those much needed breaks from studying, and let your mind rest while you unwind. Some activities that I like to do are face masks, meditation, walks in the fresh air or just talking to a friend or family member. Any activity that you find de-stresses you and puts your mind at ease is perfect for finals week, as it is important to not only make time for studying but also for your well-being.

  1. Forming a Study Group 

Reaching out to classmates or friends in your class and forming a study session is a great way to prepare for your exams! Using a platform like Zoom or Skype makes this even easier to connect with classmates, quiz each other or work on a study guide together. 

  1. TeleParty

Formerly known as NetflixParty, Teleparty is the new way to have virtual movie nights with your friends! With a shared link you can watch anything on Netflix, Hulu, Disney + or HBO. I know for me, a good way to take a break from studying is finding a funny movie or show to laugh at, and it makes it even better when you’re watching with friends. 

  1. Office Hours

Despite not being in-person for finals this semester, many professors are still offering virtual office hours via Zoom, or are available for questions through email. I’ve found that going for office hours has definitely helped me in terms of understanding difficult concepts or simply getting more clarification on what’s going to be on an exam. Going for office hours can also help you build a better relationship with your professor, and have a better understanding of their expectations going into the exam. 

Whatever tips or tricks you use to prepare for this semester’s finals, we wish you the best of luck with your exams and hope you all have a safe and happy break!

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