Name: Jack Crowley

Year: 2018

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Hometown: Holmdel, N.J.

Name/Time of show: “Fletchy a Tunes” – Tuesdays at 10


What do you do/play on your show: I play mostly coun

try, but I throw in some rock and other genres upon re-     quest. 

Favorite artist/song/album: My favorite song is a tie be

tween “Dirt Road Anthem” by Jason Aldean and “Country

Boy” by Aaron Lewis.

Best Concert: My favorite concert would be between Ja-

son Aldean, or surprisingly, Linkin Park.

Best WVOF moment/Best Show: My favorite WVOF mo

ment would have to be my first show on the web. It was

such a cool experience being on the radio, and I can’t see

myself not continuing to do it in college.

Best Musical Experience: Picking my favorite musical experience is tough.  I’m not sure – I played the trumpet

once, but I was never good.  I just looked at the guy next

to me and did everything he did, just a millisecond after


About The Author

----Executive Editor Emeritus | ---- Digital Journalism

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