Unknown Component’s upcoming release, “Blood v. Electricity,” is a valiant effort by an experienced artist that falls flat.

Unknown Component is the ambient and experimental solo project of Keith Lynch. While remarkably produced, and passionate in its scope, this particular album’s main flaw is its overdramatic lyrics and subject matter. The album seems to have been written from a deep state of loneliness. Even though loneliness is always a good topic to cover in album-oriented songs such as the ones found in “Blood v. Electricity,” Unknown Component is simply throwing out the same exact “look how sensitive I am” lyrics that solo artists have been driveling for years.

After the first few songs, the loneliness angle goes from being the direction of the album and becomes complete shtick.

The consistently monotonous vocals and safe-mode rhyme scheme end up making the whole album sound the same, to the point where one could sit back and joke about how Unknown Component has a few good songs.

The lyrics on every song are sung so flat and at the same time are so predictable. Specifically, on the song “Nowhere is Alone,” the lyrics are so badly crafted that it’s quite simple to guess the lyrics of the next line after never having even heard the song before.

But not all of “Blood v. Electricity” is bad. As stated before, the production should be heavily lauded. The industrial and ambient electro sound is hooking. The reverbs sound natural and feel warm in an age when said effect is mostly cold and lifeless. Lynch’s mix of acoustic instruments into the orchestration is heavily admirable, too.

Most artists, when slapped with an electro-experimental label, forget how warm and inviting the sounds of acoustic instruments can be. Mixing real guitars and real drums into the tracks was a great stylistic choice.

Perhaps the reason “Blood v. Electricity seems so bland and flat-lined is because it’s easy to see how talented Keith Lynch is. Listening to this album is a tearing experience. On one hand is the fantastic production and instrumentation; the other hand is the boring and eye-rolling lyrics and subject matter.

“Blood v. Electricity” wants to be a good album. It can be a good album. However, the flaws overshadow its high points, so it is an average album.

The Bottom Line: 6/10

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