With the Thanksgiving holiday finished for the year, it is finally time to kickstart the Christmas season! What better way to get in the holiday spirit than to cozy up on the couch and put on a holiday movie? There are so many holiday movies out there, whether they are newer movies or some of the more well-known classics. Here are some of my favorite Christmas movies of all time ranked as well as some that you may not be as familiar with. 

  1. “A Christmas Story”

It is not Christmas without watching this classic at least once during the holiday season. This movie is a staple in my family, and we always end up catching it on Christmas day during its 24-hour broadcast on Turner Broadcasting. From the leg lamp to meeting Santa Claus to everyone telling Ralphie “You’ll shoot your eye out,” there is nothing to dislike about this movie. 

  1. “Christmas Vacation”

This is another popular choice for best Christmas movies, but it is one I felt I could not leave out of my ranking. This is another film that cannot be skipped at Christmastime and is often the first Christmas movie we watch at the start of the season. Just like with “A Christmas Story,” my family and I quote this movie the entirety of the holiday season. From the excessive amount of Christmas lights to Cousin Eddie’s arrival to the dry Turkey on Christmas night, this movie is full of comedic scenarios that will have everyone laughing. 

  1. “Mickey’s Christmas Carol”

Originally a novel written by Charles Dickens and first published on Dec. 19, 1843, this is a classic Christmas tale haunted by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. Over the years, there have been countless adaptations of this tale and there is great debate centered around which version of the classic tale “A Christmas Carol” is the best. There’s “The Muppet Christmas Carol” and Disney’s “A Christmas Carol” among many other versions. However, I have always been drawn to “Mickey’s Christmas Carol.” There is something I love about seeing Mickey Mouse and company portray the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his internal journey toward kindness on Christmas Eve. 

  1. “The Grinch” 

Once again, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” is another Christmas story that has seen various screen adaptations throughout the years. I am a huge fan of the original 1966 adaptation, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” as well as the Jim Carrey version, however, I have recently found myself drawn toward the newer, 2018 adaptation “The Grinch.” With its adorable animation and lovable portrayals of characters like Cindy Lou Who, Max the dog and more, this movie has become a favorite of mine. It is full of both humor and heartwarming moments that serve to create a perfect holiday film. 

  1. “Elf”

Again, another obvious one, as I am sure that most people have been fans of this 2003 Comedy Christmas movie. This is another Christmas movie that cannot be missed in my household. I don’t feel that I need to say much about this movie as I am sure many people love the story of Buddy the Elf in New York City just as much as I do!

  1. “Eloise At Christmastime”

I know that this may sound like an odd choice, but this is a movie I have been watching since I was very young, and it simply is not Christmas if I don’t watch this movie at least once during the holiday season. Eloise is a character I grew up reading about and watching, so I love that I follow her and Nanny’s (her caretaker while her mother is in Paris) crazy adventures during the holiday season.  

  1. “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms”

This may not be one of my top favorite Christmas movies, but I had to include it as any version of Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” is necessary to put me in the holiday spirit. I grew up dancing to the music of the Nutcracker and performing it in my high school’s orchestra, so it screams Christmas to me. I have had the privilege of seeing the Boston Ballet’s miraculous performance of this story, however, if you do not have time to go to the ballet this holiday season, this movie is a creative take on the plot.

These are just a few of my favorite holiday must-watch movies. Hopefully, with these suggestions, you will find the perfect Christmas movie to watch with your friends, roommates or family to get in the holiday spirit!

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