Every guy who wants to have a successful relationship knows he’ll have to watch his share of chick flicks to keep his girlfriend happy. Here are my Chick Flick Suggestions broken down into four categories.
The “I have to pretend like I’m not enjoying this too much” Chick Flick.
“Father of the Bride”: In my humble opinion, this movie is the greatest thing to happen to men since the ride-along lawnmower was created. It seems like you’re putting in some work but you’re actually just sitting and enjoying the ride. Steve Martin delivers a tremendous performance with several laugh-out-loud scenes, including the monologue about the hot dogs to buns ratio in the supermarket. There are some “mushy” scenes throughout the movie, but nothing over the top so it’s very doable. It’ll keep her entertained because the plot is so good and don’t forget to notice that the little brother’s friend is That Kid who plays Squints in The Sandlot; he’s always good for a Wendy Peppercorn joke.
“Say Anything”: An absolute classic starring John Cusack; he plays a habitual underachiever who attempts to go way out of his league and make a last ditch effort to go out with the good looking valedictorian after high school ends. A real Cinderella story, complete with the classic scene of Cusack holding up a boom box, blasting “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel. She’ll love the movie for the romance and you may end up liking it for that same reason. Of course it’s in the handbook that you can’t admit that, but it still works on both ends. There’s also some fantastic social commentary from the late 80’s and early 90’s; always high comedy.
The “special occasion, let’s watch one of yours” Chick Flick.
“Legally Blonde”: It’s slightly ditsy and hard to believe but it’s actually a very funny movie and made its way into the top three because I like Reese Witherspoon more than I like Alicia Silverstone. Girls like it because they can quote the hell out of it and it’s a pretty entertaining plot. I’m sure I’m going to catch a lot of heat for admitting that I like this movie, but it’s the epitome of “don’t judge a movie by its cover.” It also takes time out to stick it to Harvard and its students. There’s nothing like taking those Ivy League kids down a peg.
“The American President”: One of the all time greatest, “if it’s on TV, I’m not turning it off” movies of our generation. It may not have occurred to you because you’ve watched the movie so many times, but it is a chick flick. Granted, I don’t know if anyone actually owns this movie besides TBS, TNT or FX, but it still counts as one of her movies coupled with the fact that nobody can pass up the chance to see a Douglas and a Sheen working in the same White House. By the end of this movie, I was ready to give a write-in vote to Andrew Shepherd.
The “I screwed up and you can pick whatever you want” Chick Flick.
“Sweet Home Alabama”: Good times all around on this one, although there really aren’t any parts of this movie that don’t directly deal with the love story. In other words, there’s no real “out pitch” in this movie, other than the Murphy Brown sighting, of course. There are a few benefits of course; Reese Witherspoon reaffirms her case as the cutest actress in Hollywood and you’re all but guaranteed some added benefits after the movie because of the Josh Lucas and Patrick Dempsey female eye candy. Just don’t ask her if she’s thinking about you, Lucas or McDreamy and you’ll be in the clear.
“Dirty Dancing”: This movie has stripped more guys of their manhood than any other motion picture. Usually it leads to this exchange:
Your friend: Last night we went out to the bar, Steve was hitting on this girl then he fell in a puddle, what did you do?
You: I went out to dinner with my girlfriend and then we went back to her house and watched “Dirty Dancing”…
That is a major downside to this movie, but it has some very entertaining scenes. Watching Patrick Swayze clean house outside of Baby’s cabin is good for a laugh and the last dance scene is very entertaining, at least that’s what I’ve been told….And, of course, we all know “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”
Finally, the last category doesn’t even really exist. There is an unspoken category of movies that girls should know that they should not ask guys their guys to watch. Just to name a few; “The Notebook”, “Brokeback Mountain”, anything in a “Sex and the City” or “OC” box set, “Stepmom”, anything involving the words “Ya Ya Sisterhood”, or anything that females should be watching with other females. If you find out that one of your friends is being subjected to these kinds of movies on a regular basis, an immediate intervention is necessary. Real friends don’t allow their friends to be neutered by their girlfriend.
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