Throughout the weekend, college students tweet about where the party will be, who will be there, and what happens while the party goes on.  On Sunday, they wait for the pictures from those parties to go up on the Internet, so they can reminisce and put the pieces together from the night before.

But what is it that draws students to these social gatherings, besides the alcohol and potential hook ups that may occur? The music that plays while they share a good laugh and even a DFMO (dance floor make out).

Sean Bannon, ’11 is the man behind the up-and-coming “it” website. A site not only for college students to download the latest music but also for new artists to reach college campuses across the nation.

In addition to being the captain of the lacrosse team and a member of the Dolan School of Business student advisory board, Bannon shares his knowledge for music, with college students who either want the occasional fist pumper or new music they have never heard.

His website, has reached an average of almost 600 views per day, and is evolving into a major platform for college students to download music.

“People always used to ask me for new music, especially when the weekends came along, so they could have a dance mix to play at their party,” Bannon said.

This past August, Bannon designed as the site where his friends and other college students could easily access the latest music that would be played at the next party.

“I decided to create a website that brings music from a bunch of different websites and artists onto one platform, known as Stags Flow,” Bannon said.

Any and all genres of music and artists are welcome.  It brings music to the masses with a Fairfield feel.  Bannon is in constant contact with new, up and coming artists that want their music to be heard by college students.

“I started to research and found about ten to fifteen new artists, and I have been in contact with them frequently, back and forth through Facebook and e-mail.  They e-mail me, I post their songs, and they thank me,” Bannon said.

Stagsflow is updated daily, and features play lists such as Mash-up Mondays, Throw-Back Tuesdays, and Dance Party Fridays.

Since August, over 20,000 people have viewed the site, and people worldwide in  Canada, Spain, and Australia, have searched

In a survey of 50 undergraduate students at Fairfield University, 39 stated to have heard of Stags Flow.  Of the 50, 42 said they check it weekly to download new music.

“My roommates who live with me at “Point Break” have been promoting Stags Flow on their Facebook statuses and have been spreading the word to other college students across the country,” Bannon said.

Word has caught on quickly because the creators of the blog website, BroBible, contacted Sean and commended him on the buzz that has college students talking about Stags Flow.  Now, every Thursday Bannon is featured on Brobible with a top ten “Throwback Thursday” song play list that includes songs from the early 90s and early 2000s, in addition to writing articles for them.

“Stags Flow started because people wanted my music to play at their parties, and now it is reaching people all over.  I plan to have a Stags Flow concert this school year, where many artists who are featured on the website will perform,” Bannon said.

In addition to music, has a link where Bannon blogs about fresh new gear, such as shoes, hats, and sunglasses that would be of interest to college students.

Start your weekend off right.  Download the Throwback Thursday play list tomorrow and become a follower on Facebook.  Have any suggestions, comments, or new artists? Feel free to e-mail Bannon at to get a shout out on

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