“This is as exciting as rock ‘n’ roll gets,” said Tom Delonge, talking about Angels and Airwaves’ newest album, “I-Empire.”
While the former Blink 182 front man may be getting a little too excited about the album’s release, there is no doubt that he has struck gold with this incredibly impressive album. Blink 182, arguably one of the most influential bands of our generation, parted ways in 2005, crushing the hearts of many music fans, including me. But with death came new life, as Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker formed +44, and Tom Delonge formed Angels and Airwaves.
See the music video for their first single, “Everything’s Magic”, here
Angels and Airwaves’ debut release, “We Don’t Need to Whisper,” received mixed reviews from critics and former Blink fans, claiming that the music was too repetitive, and the style strayed too much from the pop/punk sound Blink 182 once produced.
“Empire” will have those critics eating their own words. With 12 of the best tracks to have graced my ears all year, I think “Empire” will not only have refrains stuck in your head, but it will also satisfy the die-hard Blink fans who enjoyed Delonge’s old-school songwriting.
The opening track, “Call to Arms,” is immediate proof as to how much of an improvement this album is. With a catchy refrain and an ending that will leave the hair on your arms standing, “Call to Arms” is five minutes of music that you will be sure to repeat.
Two other stand-out tracks are “Sirens” and “Rite of Spring,” which both musically resemble the Blink 182 style that we’ve all grown to know and love.
Even more impressive than the music on the album are the lyrics. “Empire” lyrically has an underlying message repeated throughout several songs: the world is ours for the taking. In a world that provides endless possibilities, how do you choose to use them?
Overall, “Empire” is an incredible sophomore release and a major improvement from the band’s first album. With its fantastic new album just out and its very own motion picture being released at the Sundance Film Festival, expect more good things to come from Angels and Airwaves.
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