The trees are now bare, and we students are restless. In short, it’s time for a well deserved break. Next Tuesday we’ll all part ways with Fairfield for a five-day hometown retreat to relax, sleep, drink and feast in preparation for the homestretch of the fall semester.
If you’re anything like me, there are a handful of essentials you always make sure to pack while home for Thanksgiving break, namely laptops, iPods, keys, condoms and booze.
My favorite part about Thanksgiving break is seeing friends I haven’t seen in ages. Granted this usually gives rise to a fair share of awkward conversations and experiences, but it’s fun as hell. So as you go through your phonebook and make plans with your high school friends it’s inevitable that you’ll run into the ex for the first time in years. You’ll either be kicking yourself when you realize she’s now a stellar bombshell, or on the other hand, asking yourself whether a paper or plastic bag would better remedy the visual anomaly.
Thanksgiving break certainly has its ups and downs. On the plus side: I can’t wait to get sloshed at some local bars with old friends on Thanksgiving Eve and enjoy the best remedy for that hangover – an amazing Thanksgiving Day banquet. On the down side: I’m neither excited for being incessantly nagged by my mother for my drunken debauchery, nor being dragged to the Roosevelt Field Mall on Black Friday by my wonderful girlfriend.
Thanksgiving, for many of us, is a bottle of emotions. While we would like to see our families and friends, whom we’ve conveniently neglected to talk to since the semester began, we become increasingly aware that the semester is coming to a close.
So, enjoy your time at home and make some reckless decisions. Not only will anyone you truly care about it, but it’ll be your last chance to party before all academic hell breaks loose Dec. 1.
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