When I picture my Prince Charming, I automatically think of three characteristics: tall, dark and handsome (a strong, square jaw like those of cartoon superheroes wouldn’t hurt).
But as much as it ails me to accept it, my paint-by-number fantasy isn’t reality. I won’t know what my Prince Charming will be like until I meet him. In all honesty, he’ll probably exceed my picture-perfect dream. But no matter who he is, there are a few qualities that he must possess:
1. He must be a gentleman! Open doors for me, offer me your coat when it gets cold and treat me like lady. Is that so much to ask?
2. I’m not looking for a genius but please know your left hand from your right one. Be caught up on current events and be able to contribute something worthwhile to a conversation.
3. Have a sense of humor. I want to be with someone who makes me laugh. You can always avoid awkward moments by telling a joke.
4. Embrace a sense of style. You don’t have to shop at J. Crew or Abercrombie ‘ Fitch to look good. If you’re a Southern boy, rock the cowboy hat and plaid shirt. If you’re more into punk, then just rock out. Whatever your style may be, just be you.
5. Be confident, not cocky! Girls like guys who are confident in the sense that they can talk to us without stuttering and aren’t afraid to do their own thing. But there comes a point when confidence exceeds attractiveness. No one likes an egotistical guy- no matter how good-looking he may be.
6. Be active: go to the gym, play basketball with the guys or go for a run; just take care of your body. I’m not looking for chiseled perfection, but I don’t want a couch potato either.
7. Honesty is huge! If you can’t be honest with the person you’re dating, who can you be honest with? Without honesty there can be no trust, and without trust, a relationship does not exist. The honest truth is better than a fabricated lie.
8. Get involved. I’m all for spending time with the guy I like, but I want him to have his own life too. We both need to have our own hobbies, our own passions- things that we do without one another. Otherwise, things could get pretty boring.
9. It’s important to date someone who holds the same set of values as me. I don’t want to be fighting with someone over every little thing. It’s important to understand where we each stand.
10. Last but certainly not least, the guy has got to have a personality. If writing this article is more appealing than spending time with you, there is a problem. Dating is all about having a good time with the person you are with. Every girls wants someone to keep her on her toes and keep her guessing what’s to come.
Not every guy is going to fit each one of these characteristics and that’s OK. The important thing is that he is an individual who genuinely cares about me because every girl deserves to be treated like a princess!
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