You can’t just do that
You can’t just say those things and not expect
For emotional strings to get attached
Or maybe that was your intent all along
So that you could clasp on those strings
Tug on them
Pull on them
Pull on me
Any which way you please
Because you are the puppeteer
And I the puppet
It doesn’t matter what kind of puppet
Be it made of Ash, Oak
Redwood or Willow
So long as I am yours
To bend to your will
To succumb to your needs
To feed your desires
And when I refuse
To give you but a taste
You pull on those strings
That tug hard on my chest
As if to rip my heart out
And bleed
And cry
I see you with her
In the far off distance
A lowly puppet put on a shelf
I want to stand up
To walk up to you
To pull you away from her
The way you pull me
Away from everyone else
I want my hips to be what you touch
My ears to be what you whisper into
My neck that you kiss
My face that you look at
My eyes that you dare tell me
Those same words that you tell her
Those same words you should never
Have told me that made me into
your willing puppet
Trust Me
I am Yours
You can’t just do that
You can’t just say…
And now you have another puppet to play with.
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