As excited as we are about leaving Fairfield, finally, in about 45 days, reality is slowly starting to hit that the carefree days of skipping classes, enjoying dollar bottle night at the Grape and wasting away Sundays is slowly drawing to a close. After four years of chaos and mayhem that we have inflicted upon this school, sitting on Bellermine lawn in our caps and gowns has crept up on us faster than any of us could have imagined.
Unfortunately, its time to face the “real world.” For many of us, the end of college means getting a nine to five and finally making money, to end the days of living on nickels and dimes. Others of us are lucky enough to enjoy a few more years of security by heading off to grad school, whether it is Hawaii, Vermont, or North Carolina. After four years of living in our secluded Fairfield bubble, each and every one of us is going his/her separate direction.
But just because we are venturing to various parts of the country doesn’t mean we will forget some of the antics we have conjured up. As much as we will miss Fairfield, there are definitely aspects of this place that I will not miss that greatly.
No more tickets on our cars for parking in a 15 minute spot for 16 minutes. After the culmination of around 15 tickets, I will not miss wondering if I have a boot on my car, or even if I am lucky enough to see my little silver civic riding on top the towing truck.
Granted we will have to shovel our own driveways but at least we will know that we don’t have to worry about getting a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the maintenance department.
But there are things that will always be missed despite my adulation while rolling in hundred dollar bills once I am rich: Lantern Point, the beach, 200 Nights, the Traffic Baron, Spring Break ’04, TH 113, the Grape, Callaghan’s, to the boys- KCDC… but those are just a few of mine.
Fairfield, despite its outlandish rules and increased tuition, is filled with memories that we will never forget. From the good times to the bad times, we all have made friends that will last a lifetime. So no worries or tears about leaving, you will always stay in touch with the ones you love.
So enjoy your last four weeks, have a blast, drink, drink drink, and get ready for Keg Races.
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