While Fairfield University is generally a safe campus, there are inevitably crimes that can be committed if people don’t follow certain safety measures.
“There is no magic bubble that keeps the bad guys out and the good guys honest. If our community follows a few simple precautions, everyone can avoid becoming the victim of a crime,” said Frank Ficko, associte director of Fairfield’s public safety department.
1. Lock the doors to your rooms. It doesn’t sound like much, but you can easily avoid being robbed by doing this.
2. Walk and park your car in well-lit areas around campus.
3. Report any suspicious activity around campus. public safety would much rather get a call and find out they aren’t needed than to learn there was no call for a crime that they could have prevented. Don’t hesitate to call!
4. Don’t keep valuables in your vehicle in plain view. Furthermore, make sure you always keep your doors locked and windows up in your car.
5. Don’t prop doors open in buildings. This is an open invitation for unwanted guests. Anyone caught propping doors will be referred to judicial.
6. There are EMTs on duty at all times in the public safety department, so please report any medical emergencies immediately.
7. Officers have been asked to strictly enforce parking and traffic regulations. Please abide by the rules and regulations stated in the parking brochure (available in the public safety office on the ground floor of Loyola Hall).
8. Please report any reckless driving to public safety.
Ficko says that Fairfield is off to a great start this school year, and that the community can act as extra eyes and ears for the officers.
If the entire Fairfield community works together, we can keep the campus safe and secure.
Follow these tips, and remember to stay safe!
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