
Twenty One Pilots, Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, have successfully built their “House of Gold.” With hard work, dedication and two ski masks, the indie pop duo flawlessly created poetry that just happened to sound absolutely stunning when paired with a beat.

“Vessel” starts with an ominous, futuristic beat that captivates listeners instantaneously. As the album progresses, so do the complex melodies, a concept of music we do not get the joy of experiencing much of with today’s top 50. Their breakout song, “Guns for Hands,” shocks the music world with a harmonic change from upbeat techno to a stanza of rapped reggae.

The real power is the emotion. Joseph’s mind is like an abyss – full of darkness, mystery and irrevocable intrigue. It takes time to digest the lyrics, the initial appeal of the rhythm deluding the brain from Joseph’s actual meaning. But, scrutinize a second listen and it’ll hit you faster than the Shanghai Maglev train.

How else could we better explain, “I’m semi-automatic, my prayer’s schizophrenic, but I’ll live on”? From social issues to feigned happiness and depression to the absolute terrifying silence of your own thoughts, Joseph exercises the indescribable feeling. He lets us know we are not alone; we are bound together by the essence of “stay alive,” a nation thriving wildly on the words of his soul.

Although “Vessel” was released in January 2013, its popularity flourished as of last December. Why did it take us so long to appreciate such an intricate band? Just because a group is “fresh” doesn’t mean they hold any less potential than some of our favorite musical heroes. Joseph and Dun are known for their monumental performances. Audiences leave feeling whole, which is ironic since they’re leaving a duo that considers themselves to be “broken people.” Nevertheless, you have to be impressed by the amount of creative effort, physical labor and enthusiasm it takes for twenty one pilots to entertain.

These young adults have made their mark on all of us. We can only repay their dues by continuing to celebrate the depth and intrigue that is hidden so well into their music. They’ve made it this far, above and beyond anyone could ever imagine, and continue to soar higher into the music industry. Never has the replay button reached its limit, because, sometimes, “quiet is violent.”

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One Response

  1. Leslie Palma

    Trying to explain to my husband why, after my second Twenty One Pilots show, in NJ where we live, I bought tickets for shows in Boston and Philadelphia, I could only think to say that I felt better when I left than when I arrived. They are amazing, entertaining, fun, as energetic as Mick Jagger in his prime. After Sunday’s show at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby (outside Philly), my husband knew exactly what I meant. We also had our daughter and two friends with us; they were the original fans. We all got to meet them after the show. They seem like genuinely nice guys.

    But what I really want to talk about is Tyler’s lyrics. They are everything you said, but they are also intensely Christian. He talks about not wanting to have the son’s blood on his hands, how you have to have faith, and, most amazingly, that he denied an unnamed someone three times (as Peter denied Jesus) and then denied him a fourth time, leading Joseph to call himself a whore. He is clearly a believer but conflicted because he doesn’t want to proselytize. Maybe he doesn’t feel qualified, or maybe he doesn’t want to alienate fans. He’s more than spiritual. He’s Christian.


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