When I was an adolescent, the idea came to some no-brain individual that sandals can be worn past the season we call summer. I’m not sure if it was the choking on ocean water, the consumption of oil-free face sunblock or just a serious lack of health knowledge that was responsible. Whatever way it formed is not important. What is important is that we stop now.
Sometime when I was in my adolescence, the idea came to some no-brain that sandals can be worn past the season we call summer. I’m not sure if it was the possible choking on ocean water, the consumption of oil-free face sun block, or just a serious lack of health knowledge that was responsible. Whatever way it formed is not important. What is important is that we stop now.
I’m very concerned about this campus’s intellect if all of us are wearing sandals in 40 degree weather. I don’t know about you, but I am still freezing with boots, a sweater, a jacket, and a scarf. How can you even walk to class with those $3 Old Navy sandals on? (Yeah, you know you have them.)
Did you know that most of the heat from your body escapes from your feet? Think about what you are doing if your letting your stumpy little toes frolic naked in the cold air. You are putting yourself at greater risk of getting sick.
Not only is the fashioning of flip-flops in winter questionable in the realm of health, but it also just looks stupid, and you look stupid if you wear them.
You may think you are sending a message saying “I don’t care about my health” or in the men’s case, “I’m Superman and the weather cannot affect my stylistic choices,” (By the way, do men think about what there wearing in general?) but what you are really saying is that you are too dumb to know any better.
Also, boys and girls, while were on the subject, please do not wear socks with sandals. Then you just look confused.
Some try to justify their sandals by saying that “it technically isn’t winter yet” or that “the sun is out.” I couldn’t care less about the calendar or if it is cloudy or not. That will not protect you from frostbite.
Don’t go with the excuse “Oh, they’re high-heels,” to cover up your fashion faux pas. If your pedicure is visible, then you are wearing sandals. Your elevation does not help in any way. An open-toe leather wedge is not more winter-appropriate than gladiators.
I guess it might be easier to put on sandals before your 8 a.m. on Monday morning than to slip on your Uggs, but if you are that lazy, you really should look into how you prioritize your time.
Oh, what would your poor mothers say?
The worst is when people wear sandals when it is snowing. I just don’t understand it.
The thing I am most worried about is children tapping into the trend. Just like 7-year-old children have advanced cell phones (some exceeding the quality of my outdated Motorola Razr,) they are going to follow their big brothers and sisters in the trend of wearing sandals in winter. Do you know what that means? Lots of sick children.
So if you want to stay warm and healthy on those cold winter days and set a good example, just put on the boots. You’ll be happier when you and your siblings aren’t sick over Christmas break.
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