When you’ve run through all the Super Bads, Hangovers and Pineapple Expresses, there are some great older movies that should be classics in every college student’s TV stand.
Tuesday, Nov. 3 12:00 a.m. Internet service went down on campus. C&NS was notified and the issue was resolved. 9:36 a.m. A student reported that his car was struck by a stone by a lawn mower. 10:31...
You and your buddies pile into the car. Expectations are high; there are two 30s in the trunk, iPod blasting your playlist, printed MapQuest directions and you're off. In just a few hours you will be pulling into one of the many colleges along the East Coast, a welcome break from the Fairfield scene.
Moms fight at Party City for their kid’s costume, old Catholic schoolgirl skirts fill up the mail room, and guys either wait until the last minute or don’t care. It must be Halloween fever at Fairfield. As...