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The nativity: damaging or symbolic? PRO

by Eileen Arnold I always remember there being something fishy about Santa Claus. When I was sick during Christmas one time Santa made a special visit to me. When I asked to see his reindeer he said they couldn't come because there "wasn't enough snow.
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Kelly’s Korner: Stay in the spirit

It's almost everyone's favorite time of year, and it certainly is up there for me. Although there aren't fireworks on Christmas, family traditions keep me in the spirit. Because we're all suffering through final exams and cramming our heads with information that we "should have been studying all semester long" (never quite mastered that), it's easy to put Christmas on the backburner.
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Editorial: The raid heard ’round Fairfield

In last week's editorial we wrote that the U.S. Department of Education's report ranking Fairfield twentieth-eighth in the nation for alcoholic violations was overdrawn. It is ironic that the release of this study was followed by the raid on John Adams bar this past Thusday night.
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Glee Club’s concert just “Noise”

by Eileen Arnold As a faithful fan of Fairfield's Glee Club, I've seen the majority of their concerts during my three-and-a-half years at Fairfield, including all of their Christmas performances. I even followed them once to a church in Greenwich to hear them perform.
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Poitics and the issues in between

by Eileen Arnold Maybe it's because it's an election year that I'm having problems getting anyone to talk about anything separated from politics. Don't misunderestimate me, I am voting, although I'm not happy about it. When it comes to voting, though, I'm among the minority.
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Things to keep in mind while voting: various perspectives

FUSA President Paul Duffy: I feel that our age bracket has the potential to make a tremendous difference in this election. Whichever way people choose to vote is fine by me as long as we get out there and vote. As young adults, we must realize how much of a privilege it is to be able to vote.
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Q and A with JvA

Much has been reported about the life of new president Jeffrey von Arx, S.J. these past few months. However, unless you want to talk to him about his doctoral thesis, there haven't been many options for conversation starters. Since the likelihood of having a chat with Fr.
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New president ready for first year at Fairfield

For incoming Fairfield freshmen who are worried about being the new kids, this year they can draw sympathy from a man in a powerful position. For the first time in 25 years Fairfield will welcome a new president in the person of Rev. Jeffrey von Arx, S.J.
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Advice Column: Freshman survival guide

I'm heading to college far away from home, and none of my friends are going there. I'm a little worried about meeting people. What's the best way to get to know others? --A Friend in Need Walk around campus saying "Will you be my friend?" in a really whiny voice to anyone that passes you.