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First football, now budget crunch claims merit pay

For nearly two years, faculty and administrators wrangled, quarreled and debated over the divisive issue of merit pay. Now, all that debate seems to be for nothing. Merit pay, scheduled to be implemented this year with or without full faculty participation, was delayed by administrators due to budget shortfalls that also resulted in the disbandment of the football and hockey teams.
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BREAKING NEWS: After recount, sophs sweep FUSA elections

The Fairfield University Student Association was rocked by a recount Wednesday morning, when the results of the Vice President of Senate and Vice President of Programming races were overturned. After the initial results were tallied, Jillian Grant, '05, then the losing candidate for VP of Programming, sent an appeal of the results via e-mail. According to Election Commissioner Brian Leverone, '03, a discrepancy in the ballots ordered by FUSA from the town of Fairfield caused the vote totals for both the VP of Senate and VP of Programming to be switched. Instead of Ryan Cantor, '04 and Jeff Holland, '04 winning those respective races, Geoff Cook, '05 and Jillian Grant won.