Neon Trees, the band behind the hit singles “Animal” and “1983,” played two shows in New York City two weeks ago to celebrate the release of their sophomore album “Picture Show,” which came out...
You’ve probably seen the posters and flyers scattered around the academic buildings and Jazzman’s advertising The Launch. Maybe you’ve received an email blast from a friend encouraging you to attend...
This weekend marks the 24th Annual Hunger Cleanup Campaign. And no, it is in no way related to The Hunger Games. Hunger Cleanup is a large-scale, one-day outreach project from Fairfield University. Roughly...
Underwater Country Club (UWCC) is a Fairfield University student band that combines the classical sounds of string instruments with the electrical noise of alternative rock. Consisting of brothers Andrew and...
The group — vocalist and lead guitarist Evan D'Abrosca '13, rhythm guitarist and vocalist Zakk Rogg-Meltzer '10, bassist Joey D'Alessio '12 and drummer Pete Sweeney '11 — may seem like your average...
Fairfield police are reporting that two men broke into a Fairfield beach house on Reef Road at about 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday night and tied up a resident before attempting to rob the home, according to...