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Coming together:

This Friday signals more than the beginning of yet another keg-filled weekend at college. It is also the start of Diversity Week, a week of campus-wide celebrations, marking Fairfield's initiatives to celebrate diversity and increase awareness. Diversity Week begins with the IRHA-sponsored Spring Fling and continues through Sunday with an IRHA sponsored cultural movie night as well as a comedy night, hosted by Jewish awareness group KADIMA, starring Steve Hofetetter.
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Inspired by all the campus do-gooders? You can help too!

Help (v.): The act of giving aid or assistance. Need a study break? Rather than staring endlessly at the Facebook news feed that hasn't changed in the past 10 minutes, check out On the site, you will find a highly addicting game that simultaneously exercises your brain and works to end world hunger.
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Commuter commotion

The commuter is the forgotten student, assimilated into the student body and disregarded by the administration. However, from my experience, the commuter students also should be held accountable. Some may say that the needs of commuters on this campus are being ignored, and sometimes I can't say I disagree.
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TMNT: A New Wave of Darker, Younger Turtle Power

Four turtles have ooze spilled on them, are raised by a rat, named after the Renaissance artists and trained to be crime fighting ninjas. Who wouldn't want to dip into whatever these guys were on? This is a great movie to take a younger sibling to, or to go with mind-altered friends. It is funny at times and nice to see the 'tubular' heroes hit the screen again.