A new bill revamping the student loan process passed last week as part of President Barack Obama’s health care reform bill will make paying back student loans easier.
The question of whether or not the drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18 was the issue of the Debate on Lowering the Drinking Age, hosted and organized by FUSA and FUSA President Jeff Seiser ‘10 last Wednesday.
Many students were upset and confused about the changes the University announced as the new Facilities Planning and Implementation Updates at the end of December.
Studying abroad may not have been the best decision in an economic standpoint. But I guarantee you, it will not be a decision you will ever regret. I don't care if I have to live in a cardboard box after graduation — it was completely worth it.
The University announced last week that Eidos will now become a commercialized system to be called Mentor. It will be marketed to other universities, high schools and grammar schools around the country.