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ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: A program that’s ‘buy the book’

Dodging thrown books, enduring verbal abuse and reading the mind of professors are all in a day's work for an employee of the Fairfield University Bookstore. As the year comes to a close students look to sell their books back for financial reserves until that summer job starts.
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Perlitz to offer real world experience

Some commencement speakers may have been CEO's of famous companies. Others may have been innovative authors. Yet others may be successful Wall Street stockbrokers. While this year's commencement speaker's name may not be renowned, at only 31 years of age, Doug Perlitz has accomplished more than many people may dream of.
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Intramurals score rise in participation

The role of intramurals has evolved throughout the years. What was once a widely attended facet of the Fairfield social life has become merely an event for the participants. Recently, changes have been made in an attempt to popularize intramurals. The major event in the last year was the turning over of intramurals from the Athletic Department to the Division of Student Services.
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‘Media Row’ lacks Ham

Walk down the stairs to the bottom floor of the Barone Campus Center. Immediately to the left, there's WVOF. Past that, there is The Manor yearbook and The Mirror. However, there is one glaring omission in the lineup of campus media in the Campus Center: The Ham Channel.
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Meningitis shots now mandatory

Due to last year's outbreak of meningitis across Connecticut, which included two students at Fairfield University, the state legislature has made a law requiring all students living in campus residences to be vaccinated against it.
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Students skeptical of use of faculty textbooks

How can the hundreds and hundreds of dollars spent each semester by students even before they enter a classroom be avoided? At Fairfield University there are a number of professors who use their own books within the classroom to compliment the learning process. These books range from $5 to over $100 with the subject matter as diversified as the prices.
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Investing club thinks stocks are grrrreat!

Five years ago, anyone playing the stock market seemed to be making money. As times have changed, the true volatility of the stock market has become apparent while a group of more experienced traders maintain stability. Enter the Fairfield University Bull ' Bear Investment Society.
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No butts about it

Just over a year after pulling tobacco products from the university bookstore, Fairfield administrators are considering restrictions on cigarette smoking within residence halls due to the negative health aspects of second hand smoke.