cloudy mirrors are wiped down to erase two dry eyes sitting on a damp face dilating to the beat of my bass warm hands move through the misty space wrapping around my torso and to...
sickly green and sticky red white lights and creaking stairs growing up and going down responsibility drowning and heart mending knowledge of an impossible acts fiercely days pass...
By blending the lines between illusion and reality, I realize the only guarantee is that manipulation will be a dying art form as others lost the gift of sight in the eye of the storm. I...
I walk down a narrow path filled with a dark sense when I hear the babbling brook laugh but it's choking and tense. I feel sharp eyes on my back that make me spin around to see all that I...
The man fell in love with the sea and kept her heart as his key. For she tossed him and tried to drown him many a time without any real reason or rhyme. He broke her waves that kept him at bay,...