Season three of “You” premiered on Netflix on Oct. 15, just in time for the Halloween season. The show, based on Caroline Kepnes’ book series, follows the life of sadistic serial killer Joe Goldberg as...
As a high school senior, the most important thing to me in my college search was the renown of each school. I was determined to go to the best, most esteemed school. In all honesty, I didn’t think that...
On Sept. 23, Fairfield University students received an email from the Office of Student Engagement’s “#TheWeekender” newsletter, which stated that “Due to overcrowding and lack of social distancing and...
Tickets are officially on sale now to watch the Fairfield University men’s and women’s basketball programs play during the 2021-2022 season. The men’s team are slated to play 15 home games this upcoming...
Although “Dear Evan Hansen” (DEH) the movie has caught a lot of heat from critics as it hit the big screen last week, it would be a shame if that turned people away from seeing the show on Broadway. Though...
The Fairfield University community was approximately 91% vaccinated against COVID-19 as of September 17, when these statistics were last updated online. I appreciate the fact that Fairfield feels comfortable...
On May 8, The Fairfield University men’s rowing team traveled to the largest collegiate regatta in North America and took some hardware back with them. The Fairfield Stags took the Jefferson Dad Vail...
Although sports like rowing generally fly below the radar due to the fact that it is far less of a spectator sport than baseball or lacrosse, who students can watch play on campus, the Fairfield University...
The 2021 Fairfield University baseball team will go down in history for their record-breaking season thus far. The Stags are currently the only unbeaten team in the nation, with a 14-0 record on the season,...
In an email sent to Fairfield University students on Tuesday morning, April 13, the school announced that they will be hosting fans at sporting events on campus. Starting Saturday, April 17, students who...