“Daredevil,” the latest television show based on a classic comic book, was released on Netflix recently and it has the potential to be a hit. Unlike other television shows influenced by the Marvel...
Last Sunday was the season finale of the fifth season of "The Walking Dead," and it has been one of the best so far. The entire season was fast-paced and had one of the better storylines of the series....
The second installment of the Divergent series, “Insurgent,” came out in theaters this past weekend and picks up the storyline from where the first movie left off. It is even more action -packed than its...
Frank Underwood is back! After a year-long hiatus, the popular Netflix show, “House of Cards,” is back for its third season. Last season ended with some cliffhangers and hopefully, they will be played...
Last week, Sony and Disney came to an agreement to work together with the Spider-Man franchise, which means that Spider-Man will now be a part of the Marvel Universe that Disney has successfully been creating...
This Sunday was the midseason premiere of “The Walking Dead” and it was a great episode to start the season up again. From this first episode and the clips of what is to come, it seems that the rest of...
This Sunday was the midseason premiere of “The Walking Dead” and it was a great episode to start the season up again. From this first episode and the clips of what is to come, it seems that the rest of...
Sunday was the mid-season finale of “The Walking Dead” and it ended in quite a shock. This season focused on rescuing Beth, who was captured by the group in Grady Memorial Hospital, as well as the...