Throughout the school year, students work tirelessly on academics and extracurricular activities that will hopefully one day earn them a job in the field of their choice. We are all focused on achieving the...
Students’ interests were honored with the relaunch of my.Fairfield’s landing page on Feb. 20 after holding various focus groups, altering the way users access information on the site.
CNN recently reported that a New Jersey teenager has sued her parents who she claimed forced her out of her home and refused to pay for her private high school tuition and college education. Rachel Canning, the girl who made headlines with this outrageous situation, claims that her parents mistreating her is enough justification to sue them in order for her to continue going to school.
Endless groups of students trekked back and forth from the apartments to the townhouses as the cold night air settled in from an unusually warm afternoon.
According to NBC News, Venezuela is in the middle of some of the largest political political protest in over 10 years. The news agency has reported that 500 people have been arrested, 150 injured and 13 people killed.
In the three weeks since its launch, the new Fairfield University website has shown features that have strongly differentiated it from the older, more familiar website.
Every morning Bryan Davis, the general manager of the Sodexo team at Fairfield, arrives at his desk on the fourth floor of the Barone Campus Center and reviews the weekly food schedule. Throughout the week, he and his catering team oversee the processes by which the food served in the Barone Main Dining Hall is ordered, stored and prepared for students to eat.
Sophomores living in the three residential colleges on campus attended a Welcome Back Night last Thursday to reconnect with their peers and to learn more about the programs and events they will be participating in during the spring semester.
“Seventeen” was recorded From the studio album “Young Love,” in 2011. It mainly focuses on various memories from his past, both the good and the bad, and how he realized what it meant to grow up and be responsible for something other than himself.