Throughout the 13th annual Commonweal lecture, speaker Dominic Preziosi reminded the audience that a people is known by the story it tells. Preziosi is the editor of Commonweal, a Catholic opinion magazine run...
When he was four years old, Daniel Shapiro’s family traveled to Israel. This was 1973, the same year as the Yom Kippur War between Israel, Syria and Egypt. “We lived through this experience, we spent...
The Office of the Dean of Students sent out a “Campus Climate Sexual Assault Survey” on Jan. 24, asking students about their experiences, or lack thereof, with sexual assault. The survey included questions...
I never intended to start working for The Mirror. I applied to be Chief Copy Editor in Feb. 2017 assuming that I wouldn’t get hired, and then, (as you may have guessed), I got hired. I considered quitting...
Fairfield University President Mark R. Nemec, Ph.D. and chairman of the board of trustees Frank J. Carroll III ‘89 released an announcement on Friday, Jan. 25 stating that the University and four other...
Globally, there has been a rise in verbal and physical attacks on members of the media. On Wednesday, Nov. 28, visiting professor of politics Dr. Aaron Weinstein, Ph.D. led students through a discussion on...
Sacred Heart University student Caitlin Nelson died after a March 2017 pancake eating competition, and her family is suing SHU. The Fairfield Patch reported that during a Greek Life event, Nelson began to...
Voters across the country, the state of Connecticut and the town of Fairfield went to the polls to vote in the midterm election on Nov. 6, 2018. The control of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate...
What does the constitution really mean in 2018 politics? Sponsored by Civic Education & Democratic Engagement, “In Trump We Trust” gave students the space to discuss the power of American political...
The problem of gun violence in America is often conceptualized in terms of assault rifles and mass shootings, not the violence some communities face daily. In the John A. Barone Campus Center Oak Room on Sept....