Fairfield has a reputation for being a pretty safe campus, but how safe is it actually? A lot of people leave their doors unlocked when they’re not home and pretty much everyone feels comfortable leaving...
When David Letterman announced his impending retirement from the “Late Show” on CBS, there was a great deal of speculation from the media regarding who would be chosen to replace him. Letterman has been a...
Throughout the school year, students work tirelessly on academics and extracurricular activities that will hopefully one day earn them a job in the field of their choice. We are all focused on achieving the...
At the beginning of this year, I learned that Fairfield was rebuilding the lacrosse field. I was also under the impression that Fairfield lacrosse alumni were donating the entire renovation. From my...
The sun is (finally) peeking out from behind the clouds, the temperature has risen (slowly, but surely) and the summer season is in sight. There’s only a month of classes left before that dreaded obstacle...
Religion is a fact of life. This is plain and simple; so why are critics suddenly opposed to how movies based on religious texts are depicted? This all comes down to how scripture is interpreted. I believe...
Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg has become somewhat of a feminist pioneer with the release of her book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead,” which details what it is like to be...
In a way that is not immediately clear, the annexation of Crimea might actually be a good thing for Ukrainians. That is — not simply the people who happen to live within the current borders of this Eastern...
The not guilty verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman sparked anger and disappointment among Americans for many reasons. Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Florida resident Trayvon Martin and was...