Every university student understands the stresses that come along with online class registration. Twice a year, we are subject to the seemingly unending anxiety when picking courses for the next semester and President Barack Obama feels our pain.
Meeting with your advisor. Spending 15 minutes listening to them lecture about how you still need to take 17 courses with only three semesters left is not the ideal situation.
Realizing that you have to stack your major classes this semester. Therefore, you’re already dreading the amount of work that you’re going to drown in.
Finding out that you have the last registration time. For what seems like the third semester in a row, which seems pretty unfair.
Every class you need is basically full. Of course, you sit at your laptop and watch the number of spots available drop as your registration time approaches.
When it’s finally your turn, your computer browser freezes at exactly the time that you need to log in. Because why would technology want to cooperate?
Then, your first choice class and your back up class are closed. What to do now?
Deciding to take yet another elective because it’s the only one you can find that is still open. Sure, let’s try film production even though I’m an accounting major.
Trying so hard to stay positive. Partly because you don’t want to get upset and partly because you’d like to avoid crying in front of the rest of the people registering in the library.
After, emailing professors and begging them to write you into their class so that you can graduate on time.
Somehow, though, it all works out. Somehow in the end, you end up with Fridays off and no 8 a.m. courses.
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