Dear Dee,
Easter break is almost upon us and I SO badly can’t wait to have a break. The problem though
is my teachers are already loading on work that needs to be done when we are back to school
on next Monday. I know the semester is quickly getting away, but when I go home for a holiday I
spend a lot of time with my immediate family and visiting grandparents or other extended family.
How can I enjoy my time at home when I know I have so much work to get done?
Thanks Dee,
Work Overload
Dear Work Overload,
By the time you read this column you will probably be packing up and getting ready to head home for Easter break. I hope you get to read this early enough though that it helps you enjoy your days at home. My first piece of advice is to plan ahead. This planning includes scheduling time for yourself into the break.
I too have a lot of work to do over this week and I had originally hoped to get most of it done before I left on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, with midterms last week and projects still due this week, there has not been time to do that, so I am doing the next best thing. I am going to plan one full day to do work at home and then hopefully I will be able to enjoy the other days.
I expect to sleep in on Thursday since that is not a luxury I have in my schedule this semester. After getting up (around 11 a.m.) I will quickly grab a healthy breakfast so my brain and body are prepared for a great day. I will make a list of what must be done for my first day of classes when I get back and then add to the list other projects, papers, etc that I would like to get a jump on.
With the list I can mark off what I finished and feel good about my progress. Make sure you also take some
“me time” every hour or so, even if it is just to go on Facebook for a quick look, or to grab a cup of Joe in the kitchen. These breaks will make you feel invigorated. If you are really lucky, perhaps your mom might even deliver a snack to you.
Set a time to be done for the day and if you must finish some additional work, plan on either Friday or Saturday to spend an hour or so to get it done. Once it is complete you can enjoy the rest of the weekend with your family and not have the work hanging over your head.
It is important to enjoy the holiday celebrating with your family. Even Fairfield knows that or they would not give us five days to go home for this purpose. If you are totally overwhelmed, send your professor an email and see if you can work out a plan for getting the work in to them. Now, go schedule your work then enjoy your family. Oh, and have a piece of chocolate for me.
Disclaimer: This column is for entertainment only. The author is a student, not a licensed therapist, and this column is not intended to take the place of professional advice. The views expressed are the author’s and are not necessarily shared by The Mirror or its staff.
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