As registration begins, Fairfield should take our advice about the courses that we actually need in our lives.
How to Survive a Day Drink. A class to teach us how to bounce back, please.
Personal Budgeting 101. I think that I will feel that I’ve reached my life’s peak success when I can wake up on a Monday morning and not be scared to check my bank account.
Advanced Avoiding the Freshman 15. As well as the Sophomore 30 and Senior 50.
Navigating the Townhouses. Does anyone really understand the layout of them? It doesn’t make sense.
Intro to Fighting the Turkeys. Given that Fairfield’s campus teems with the gobblers, we should know how to defend ourselves against them should they attack.
The College Dating Scene. I’m not even sure the complexity of that could be explored in a single semester.
Time Management Skills. A.K.A: How to not procrastinate studying for your exam until the night before.
Picking Your Next Netflix Binge 202. Debatably one of the hardest choices to make, every time.
Upper-Level Paper Learn how to formulate a thesis and cohesive arguments, without actually knowing what you’re talking about.
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