As I sat at work the other day, I realized that girls really hate a wide variety of things. If you actually think about it, how many times a day does a girl say “Oh my gosh, I hate that?” So, I thought it would be entertaining to sit down and write down all the things that I, as a college gal, hate.
Monday’s. And all the other days that are not Friday or Saturday. Who really likes the end of the weekend? Monday gives us a chance for us to put our lives back into order from the tornados of weekends we have here. And honestly, who wants to sit there on Monday and think about where we lost our dignity?
We hate any alcoholic drink that is not coconut flavored, or a light beer. Whiskey is probably the most hated. And if you’re a girl and enjoy drinking whiskey, I give you props. Even the smell of a Jack and Coke is enough to make me vom.
Leading directly from this, girls hate hangovers. We love drinking. We love dancing. But we hate the aftermath. The walk to Barone is treacherous. Getting into the shower and taking off the make-up from the night before is a chore. And the sickening feeling in the pit of our stomachs makes us want to scream at anyone that could potentially get on our nerves. If we’re hung-over, just leave us be.
People who don’t text back immediately. This gets me. I know you have your phone. Texting is supposed to make quick conversations easier. Quit playing Temple Run and message me back. We also hate texting a guy first. Seriously, you know we’re biting our nails off to hear back from you. Don’t make us wait. It’s not cute.
Oh, here’s a good one: when guys talk about sports or cars when you’re with them. We get it. You like football and you like your Mercedes. Would you like me to talk about my Michael Kors collection and my adventure to the tanning salon? I didn’t think so. Save that conversation for when my mind does not have to be a part of it.
Girls hate Valentine’s Day. If a girl has a significant other, she pretends to hate the holiday just to not seem sappy, and to try to relate to her single friends. A lot of single girls despise the holiday. Who wants a holiday to celebrate a love that you don’t have? We also hate it because we’re usually so disappointed on Valentine’s Day, and wind up eating an entire giant heart of chocolate, #packingonthepounds.
Other little random things? Dirty bathrooms. Arrogant people. People who walk too slow, along with people who walk too fast. Uncomfortable heels. Fake designer bags. When Barone has nothing good to eat. Having no guy readily available to watch a romantic comedy. Now the question is, what do girls actually like?
– Sent from my BlackBerry
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