Sitting in Club DiMenna for six hours on a Sunday night is typical of most Fairfield Students. Ever think that you’re just studying all of these words and terms, but not actually learning the information? Join the club.

I remember when I was taking Psychology, and just studying terms and words that were foreign to me. Seriously, they could have been written in Swahili, and I would never know the difference. Want to know why? I purely memorized the words, remembered them for the test, and then lost any recollection of ever knowing them. Disappointing right?

This applies to any kind of class. Since I take a lot of English classes, it’s not really about learning terms and vocabulary. It’s more about reading a book, and regurgitating the information in an eight to ten page paper. Satisfying? Complete opposite. Reading a 300 page book, thinking you know what it’s all about, spilling your heart into a paper to try and prove to the professor you know what you’re talking about, and then getting that paper back with a C in red ink. It’s like seeing an animal that’s going to get hit by a car- they try so hard to avoid a bad outcome, but just get squashed in the end.

Like everyone else, I’m terrified of finals. I think it’s the worst assessment of how well you did in a class. We spend all this time in the class, taking notes, doing the homework, writing the papers, and it comes down to multiple-choice questions.

God, I hate multiple-choice questions. Breaking out into hives just thinking about them. You may think you know the answer, but choice B looks just as good as choice A…and there’s no option that lets you pick both as the answer…ah whatever, I’ll just pick choice C. And then you get the test back, and the answer was D. That’s a slap in the face.

In college, it’s all about getting a good grade to bring up that GPA. No professor is going to sit there and say, “Well, she tried really hard…I’ll give her an A just because I feel bad.” I mean if that happened, I’d have a 4.0. But nope, we never get that lucky. You wind up with a D and the dreaded phrase, “Come see me during my office hours” written on your test. And that’s sure to put a damper on your day.

I think there’s nothing that we students can do but complain. Complain about the mound of homework we have to do by Monday morning. Complain about the projects that are due the day before Thanksgiving when all you want to do is go home and eat your turkey. And then complain some more about how we put so much effort in, but it all just comes down the final grade in the class.

Now that I got all of that complaining off my chest, I feel so much better. As I’m about to go to work on my Chemistry and Italian homework simultaneously, wish me luck, not for the information that I’m going to learn, but just for the grade that I’m going to wind up with. Hey, that’s all that counts, right?

– Sent from my Blackberry

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