So we’ve all heard of the Freshman 15 And now is the time we’re probably starting to see it on the scales. When I was a freshman, I was mostly afraid of gaining weight at college, since 15 pounds can be seen very clearly on a girl that’s under 5-feet tall. So, I headed to the gym.
I remember my first venture into the Rec Plex.I didn’t know I needed to swipe in at the desk, so I must have looked like a freshman as I just waltzed onto a treadmill without swiping my StagCard. Oh well.
I’m a clean person, so of course I clean off my machine once I’m done using it. There’s always that sweaty guy at the gym that doesn’t clean off the bike seat after he’s been on it for 20 minutes. Talk about disgusting.
Sometimes I like to go in the weight-room. I always get weird looks for this. But it’s like a dungeon in there. And the rust always comes off on your hands when you use the weights. Not my favorite place to be. Fairfield, we need a new weight-room!
Barone food doesn’t really help the cause of trying to keep the food-baby at bay. Bring me to fried ravioli night, and I’ve probably defeated the purpose of my workouts for the past week. It’s impossible to not eat ten of them. So delicious. So unhealthy. And, that cake-batter ice cream?! It’s AMAZING. Don’t try it though, you’ll be instantly addicted, probably consuming two servings of it at each meal, #addictedtoicecream. Sometimes, I try to be a good person and eat the grilled chicken… but that doesn’t end well. Of course, it needs to be smothered in ketchup or BBQ sauce, which once again, defeats the purpose.
It’s difficult to stay in shape at college. In high school, I played so many sports, so I was working out at least twice a day between all the games and practices. I could eat whatever I wanted, and not gain a pound. Now, since I don’t play a sport here, it’s not so easy. On a rainy day, no one says, “I can’t wait to walk to the gym!” No. All you want to do is lay in bed with a carton of Ben and Jerry’s. But, it’s a commitment to ourselves to go to the gym. Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to fit in little black dresses for townhouse parties, right? So yes, I’ll be that girl walking to the Rec Plex in a monsoon, judge me.
No matter how we look at it, whether with homework, studying, or staying in shape, we’re all just here working for the weekend, in the famous words of iPhone Guy. And isn’t that the way college is supposed to be?
-Sent from my BlackBerry
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