When snow fell to Fairfield’s ground on Saturday morning, I was not the happiest little Stag. I hate the snow. I’m from Long Island. The beach is my domain. I’m a summer kind of gal. I looked out my dorm window as the white powder fell steadily to the ground, and thought to myself how much I’d rather be Tom Hanks in Cast Away, stranded on an island, surrounded by nothing but sand and the ocean. But I’d never be this lucky. Instead, I have to deal with this sucky New England weather.

Snow days just give us an excuse to be lazy. You literally look out your window, scream a little inside, and then check your e-mail to see if class has been cancelled. If it’s not, you literally want to punch administration in the face, and if it is, you’re as happy as a clam. Now you have absolutely NOTHING to do but stay in your dorm all day. But hey, what do college students do anyway? We’ll think of any excuse to not leave our abode. But the snow gives us a legitimate reason to sit on our butts for the entire day.

One of the low points of a snow day is the treacherous walk to Barone to satisfy our tummies. Good thing no one cares what they look like on a snow day. It’s one of the only days that it is acceptable to wear leggings under your jeans, paired with two sweatshirts, a North Face, scarves, and an argyle hat. No one that goes to Fairfield would be caught dead sporting this kind of ensemble on an ordinary cold day. I guess no one judges when there’s snow on the ground.

Then there are those freshman boys having a snowball fight on the quad, which could be the most inconvenient place to hold such an event. Seriously? Our campus has so many open spaces, and you guys pick the little hill on the quad. Walking through a snowball battle was not on my itinerary of things I wanted to do today. Now I have to duck under the snowballs just to get back to my room from eating at Barone. Didn’t think my snow day was going to get this stressful.

So now what do you do after you pile on your warm clothes, eat your body weight in food at the dining hall, and avoid any unnecessary contact with the snow by running through the snowball fight? That’s a stupid question. As I said before, absolutely NOTHING! It’s one of those days that you get back into your bed that you didn’t make in the first place, and throw on a few seasons on One Tree Hill that you left off with on the last snowy day that you had. Then to avoid leaving your building again, you’re obviously going to order food in. Dig up those Chinese food menus that the delivery man keeps sliding under your door. Pork fried rice never sounded so satisfying.

Personally, I don’t know how someone over the age of ten could enjoy the snow, unless they were up in a mountain ready to go skiing, or pushing their worst enemy down the hill by the library. The only three things that a snow day promises is unproductiveness, laziness, and a small case of cabin fever. Only 147 days left until the first day of summer -but who’s counting?



– Sent from my BlackBerry

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