By Loan Le
My first thought after watching the video was “Well, that’s nice.”
When I was a senior in high school, it was without any emotional attachment that I applied to a small Jesuit school in Fairfield. At the time, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for in an institution I would be apart of for four years – all coming to an end. Yet, after watching this video, I realized what I consider important now and wished I considered more as a freshman: community.
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community,” the writer Anthony Burgess once said. The video highlighted and also stayed true to the amount of attention that faculty, staff and community members give students. In one shot, we see a student eating lunch with a Jesuit. This situation might sound odd, even the butt of a joke, but it actually happens at Fairfield. In another shot, we see a student speaking to a professor after class.
In my four years, I can definitely say that I’ve encountered and grown under fine professors who not only teach, but inspire. Most would say that community is a glorified and imaginative concept, and despite harboring cynical (I say realistic) impressions of certain aspects of Fairfield, I think one of the best things about Fairfield is actually the community. I’ve truly found my place here at the newspaper and also in my classes, where many professors dedicate their time to nurture students.
I’m not saying that the video is entirely true. Sure, current Stags will know what’s false about the video. The well-lit dining room managed to make the food in Barone look appetizing. That little game outside of the library? No one ever dares to disrupt the majestic scenery of the rolling hills and the looming trees (that I always imagine I would one day spend under, reading, rather than stay cooped in my room searching Imgur). And where exactly did they film that yoga scene? It actually looks nice.
So, why would I like this video if there were small discrepancies? Because I watched it from the viewpoint of a prospective student, and that’s the main audience.
Overall, the video catered to what all prospective students need: a place to belong. With its breathtaking aerials of the university and Fairfield, jovial shots of student-to-student and student-to-teacher relationships and highly pleasurable soundtrack, the video really markets to young, impressionable high school students.
By Christina Mowry
Fairfield’s new admissions video shows Fairfield as the best college experience in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I love Fairfield but I think the video has a couple of problems.
How many times have you browsed through the Stag Spirit Shop, admiring the $75 jackets with a smile? I can’t remember the last time I bought Fairfield apparel, since it usually seems to be overpriced.
The video also shows a group of students working on a group project in the library, smiling and laughing loudly. If I were laughing and chatting in the upstairs section of the library, I’m pretty sure someone would tell me to shut up or kick me out.
Do you really enjoy the food in Barone? It looks incredible in the Fairfield admissions video, but how many times have you actually devoured the food with a smile? The only foods I’ve ever eaten in Barone are bagels and cereal, which I’ve deemed fairly edible.
When was the last time you stood outside of Bellarmine mansion and had a serene moment? With classes, extracurriculars and trying to maintain a social life, I don’t always make my way up to Bellarmine mansion to think about my life.
Once again, a student is shown in deep thought as he stands in front of the stag statue. The only time I have ever seen students near the stag statue are while giving tours or freshmen riding it.
The student also plays football in front of the library with a group of friends. If I tried to play football there now, I would break my neck trying to run through the two feet of snow we always seem to have. At least we’re advertising our phenomenal football team.
And finally, the third student is shown praying at the chapel. This is a great way to advertise that Fairfield is a Jesuit institution, but what about all the students who aren’t Catholic? I know many people that haven’t set foot in Egan Chapel since they were given a tour as high school students.
After being shown praying, the student appears to be at a beach party. But where are the girls traipsing through the sand with their skintight dresses and stilettos? And what would a Fairfield beach party be without a keg and solo cups?
While I would never take back my three years at Fairfield, this video does not portray the average day of a student.
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