I have always considered myself an exemplary young lady. A role model if you will. The kind of girl a young man brings home to mom and dad.
That said, you could imagine my horror when readers of He Said/ She Said wrote into The Mirror calling our column “rude, vulgar, and just straight up trash.” Ouch!
My investigative reporting skills were bashed even further when my own family navigated the World Wide Web and stumbled upon the articles themselves.
Needless to say, my tales of college life, which tended to be more socially focused than academic, did not entertain them.
My brother, now my only ally in my house, has informed me of my family’s displeasure. My father has airbrushed me out of all the family photos. My mother has gone to church every day to light a candle for me.
My uncles disconnected the internet at my grandmother’s house before she could find the articles herself, and there is talk of an intervention in the works when I get home for Thanksgiving.
Other critics said that we have insulted Fairfield students’ intelligence and are not representing our school in a positive light.
Who do these critics think this column is written to entertain? The 50% of college students who get their news from John Stewart?
Or maybe the other 50% of college students who consider the fact that Alex and Kristin from MTV’s “Two-A-Days” are back together to be news?
I suppose Dan and I could start writing about our adventures of helping the elderly cross the street and collecting canned goods, but is that what you want?
Yes, my family may be disowning me, but I’m asking you to keep He Said/ She Said alive! Do it for freedom of speech! Do it for the future of Fairfield news!
Do it because I haven’t had a chance yet to write about the time that Dan hooked up with someone on the turf field the second day of school freshmen year! Just do it!
Go online to www.fairfieldmirror.com and voice your support for He Said/She Said!
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