Monday, Sept. 3
10:21 a.m. Student cited in reckless driving incident on Loyola Blvd., resulting in the loss of his driving privileges. 6:04 p.m. A non-student was arrested on campus for violating a criminal trespass warning. 9:00 p.m. There was a theft reported in Kostka Hall. There are no current suspects. 10:46 p.m. A non-student was escorted off campus by Public Safety after being involved in a disorderly conduct complaint.
Tuesday, Sept. 4
8:34 p.m. Five non-students were found with alcohol in the Regis parking lot. After being uncooperative with Public Safety, they were issued criminal trespass warnings and escorted off campus grounds.
Wednesday, Sept. 5
10:14 a.m. A car at the townhouses was vandalized; there are no current suspects. 1:48 p.m. A room door was kicked in at Dolan Hall.
Thursday, Sept. 6
1:14 a.m. A student reported being harassed by a fellow student. The case was referred to Student Conduct.
Friday, Sept. 7
12:20 a.m. Public Safety assisted Residence Life in breaking up various parties at the townhouses. 2:43 a.m. An assault was reported between two students at the townhouses. The case was referred to Student Conduct. 4:20 p.m. A laptop was reported stolen at the Townhouses. The Fairfield Police Department was notified. There are no suspects. Anyone with information is asked to contact Public Safety.
Saturday, Sept. 8
1:00 a.m. There was an altercation between students and non-students by Alumni field. The non-students were issued criminal trespass warnings and escorted off campus. 7:08 a.m. A lamp post was found knocked over in the BCC parking lot.
Sunday, Sept. 9
12:51 a.m. A student was found urinating in public. He was referred to student conduct. 4:51 p.m. A student reported having been threatened by another student. The case is currently under investigation. 10:58 p.m. Students were found with narcotics. The case has been referred to student conduct.
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