Wednesday, Feb. 4
10:10 a.m. A Pritchard employee was stuck in the Dolan West elevator. Officers responded and opened the doors. The’ elevator was inspected.
12:14 a.m. A falsified ID was confiscated. The student was referred to judicial.
Thursday, Feb. 5
7:11 a.m. A student was found to be misusing a parking permit. He was referred to the parking office.
5:00 p.m. A student reported being harassed by a Fairfield cab driver. The company was notified and the driver was identified.
Saturday, Feb. 6
9:30 a.m. Two students were trapped inside the Gonzaga elevatork. The students were retrieved from the elevator by the University fire marshall.
Monday, Feb. 7
2:45 a.m. Public Safety assisted the Fairfield Police Department with identifying students who had evaded a taxi fare. Restitution was made and the students were referred to judicial.
10:27 p.m. An assault occurred at the townhouses. Public Safety was called and the students were referred to judicial.
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