
9:26 p.m.

The Department of Public Safety took a report of harassment involving a non-studet and a student living in the townhouses. The incident occured off campus. Both parties received warnings and were referred to student conduct. 


10:26 p.m.

A narcotics possession was discovered in Jogues Hall, and the investigation resulted in a COVID-19 protocol violation as well. Those involved were referred to student conduct.



9:20 p.m.

A Stag text-alert was sent to all students in regard to a tornado watch in the area. Winds reached an excess of 55 miles per hour. No damage or power outages resulted.



1:17 p.m.

A student reported that her vehicle had been struck while parked at the townhouses. The incident was reported to the Fairfield Police Department and is currently under investigation.

About The Author

-- Junior I English --

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