Wednesday 2/7
10 p.m.- A resident of Gonzaga Hall was found in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. The student was documented by the University.
Friday 2/9
6 a.m.- A men’s trek bicycle was reported stolen from the bike rack in front of Dolan Hall. The bike is white and red with no seat. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact DPS. There are no suspects at this time.
Saturday 2/10
12:44 a.m.- A male resident along with a male visitor and two female students in Claver were found to be smoking marijuana and were found to be in possession of alcohol while underage. The students were documented with the University.
6:36 p.m.- A female student reported being assaulted by a male student by Townhouse 5 block. All parties have been identified. No police action has been requested. The male student has been documented with the University. He claimed the assault to be accidental.
8:41 p.m.- Several male students were found smoking liquid marijuana in Gonzaga Hall. They were also found to be in possession of alcohol while underage. The students were documented with the University.
10:37 p.m.- A small fire broke out in an apartment in Dolan Hall after the residents left a pizza box on top of a hot stove. The stove’s fire suppression system did its job and extinguished the fire with minor damage. The fire department was called to the scene.
11:39 p.m.- Residence Life reported that a male had been assaulted by Townhouse 15 block by several other males. The victim refused to provide information or cooperate with the investigation.
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