Tuesday, 3/20
5:13 p.m.
A faculty member reported a damaged passenger door and mirror after returning from spring break. The car was parked in the Regis parking lot. The investigation is ongoing.
Saturday, 3/24
12:44 p.m.
Students were identified as suspects of a theft of a sign from Whole Foods Market. Whole Foods agreed they would not press charges if the sign was returned. All students involved are now banned from Whole Foods.
Sunday, 3/25
1:04 a.m.
DPS was led by the smell of marijuana coming from a room in 40 McCormick Rd. Two students and a visitor were found in the room. The visitor was cited for possession of less than half an ounce of marijuana. A variety of paraphernalia was confiscated and alcohol was discarded. An apple was also found which had been converted into a smoking device. The two students were referred to student conduct.
2:07 a.m.
Five students were identified as possibly breaking bottles at Townhouse 4 block. All those involved have been referred to student conduct.
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