Tuesday, 3/21
4:02 p.m.- Public Safety investigated an attempted burglary reported in Loyola Hall in the studio art area. An individual reported that their locker was broken into. The matter is under investigation and anyone with any information is asked to come forward.
10:56 p.m.- Public Safety investigated the smell of marijuana in Jogues Hall. Four individual students were located and one student was issued an infraction for drugs.
Thursday, 3/23
12:41 p.m.- Public Safety is currently investigating a theft at Bannow Science Center. Individuals reported that $1,300 worth of lab equipment had been discovered missing. Seven rotary motion sensors, valued at $170 each and one triple beam balance were taken. The situation is under investigation and if anyone has any information as to the whereabouts of these items, they are encouraged to contact Public Safety.
Saturday, 3/25
1:13 a.m. – Resident Assistants requested assistance with a noise complaint at Townhouse 11 block. Public Safety discovered covered smoke detectors and a mason jar filled with marijuana sitting on a dresser in a bedroom. One student was arrested for drug possession as well as alcohol violations. The students have been referred to student conduct for the alcohol and drug violations, as well as for the higher charge of tampering with the fire alarm equipment.
11:55 p.m.- Public Safety investigated a young man who inappropriately touched a young woman. The young man has been identified and is currently in the adjudication process. Student conduct was immediately included in the investigation and has taken actions to maintain the safety of the student body.
Monday, 3/27
2:51 p.m.- Public Safety investigated a theft reported reported in Meditz Hall. A student reported that an Apple pencil, valued at $100 and a black wallet were stolen. The situation is under investigation.
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