Tuesday, 4/14
6:30 p.m. – An assault was reported to have occurred days before in a McCormick Hall hallway. No major injuries occurred; both parties involved have been identified.
6:56 p.m. – A Volkswagen Jetta was found vandalized near Townhouse 6 block. Anyone with any information is encouraged to contact DPS.
Wednesday, 4/15
12:57 a.m. – A vehicle at a University checkpoint was unable to stop, forcing a DPS officer to move out of the way of the car. The vehicle proceeded to not yield at two other stops signs before being stopped by DPS. The individual was cited for disorderly conduct along with reckless operation of a vehicle.
Friday, 4/17
1:00 a.m. – Individuals were found on the roof of Dolan Hall with the possession of alcohol as a minor. The parties involved claimed the reason they were up there was they were smoking cigarettes. The individuals were also cited for smoking within 30 feet of a building.
5:28 p.m. – An individual in Campion Hall was found to have alcohol in their room. The individuals involved were referred to student conduct.
11:38 p.m. – A non-student was found outside Townhouse 9 block with a bottle of Fireball whiskey. The guest host was identified and referred to student conduct for guest policy violations.
Saturday, 4/18
1:51 a.m. – An individual broke the first floor west door glass window of Regis Hall. The individual has been identified and referred to student conduct.
12:57 p.m. – A 1 block Townhouse rear porch window was broken. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact DPS.
Sunday, 4/19
12:35 a.m. – A female student allegedly assaulted an Uber driver by striking him in the back of the head. The individual has been identified.
1:43 a.m. – Two students and two non-students were found outside Campion smoking possible marijuana. The students have been referred to student conduct.
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