1:23 a.m. – An incident of disorderly conduct was reported when a student dumped a bottle of wine in the front seat of an Uber car. The student was identified and has been referred to student conduct.
9:00 a.m. – Public Safety officers conducted simultaneous room searches across campus as the result of a two-month long investigation into narcotics on campus. DPS officers inspected rooms in the Quad, Townhouses and the Village, which resulted in four student arrests along with another five students being issued infractions for narcotics violations.
10:45 p.m. – A total of ten students were treated for intoxication and three students were transported during Dogwoods.
2:46 a.m. – A non-student attempted to make his way onto campus through the main entrance, which resulted with the individual being issued a summons for simple trespass.
1:05 a.m. – A student was arrested by Fairfield police for driving under the influence after being identified as intoxicated by DPS.
1:39 a.m. – An unidentified individual was seen throwing a beer bottle through a window in the Townhouse 14 block.
10:12 a.m. – A baby chicken was discovered by DPS in the basement of a Townhouse, where the house’s inhabitants were allegedly keeping it. The chicken has been turned over to animal control and the students have been referred to student conduct.
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