Rather than let football rivalries create tension, the Fairfield University community came together on Super Bowl Sunday to support fellow Stag, Margaret Moore ‘19. Moore is in need of a new wheelchair due to her cerebral palsy diagnosis. The Department of Public Safety hosted a fundraiser in the Lower Level of the Barone Campus Center to raise money for Moore to buy a new wheelchair. Approximately 100 students dropped by the event.
“The Department of Public Safety is extremely proud of the outpouring of support from the student body. It’s very clear that Meg has made some great friends during her time here,” said Sergeant Robert Didato.
Officer Darren Elderton conceived the idea of a fundraising opportunity after seeing Moore’s chair, especially her head rest, deteriorate over time.
“I mentioned it to a few guys here that we should get together to do something for her to maybe fix it or get her a new one and we came up with the idea of the Super Bowl Fundraiser,” said Elderton, “we have been seeing her wheelchair go downhill through the years, I’ve helped her a couple of times. It’s definitely gotten worse.The head rest is her whole support system. If she’s not up straight she can’t breathe.”
Moore’s mother has been fighting to get a new one because their insurance has denied the funds for it and since the chair is so expensive, DPS wants to help alleviate the cost.
The fundraiser brought in $4,690, while the DPS Go Fund Me page for Moore will continue to accept donations over the course of the next few weeks. DPS is hoping to raise $60,000 in total.
Moore appreciated the Fairfield community’s thoughts and support.
“I was happy to see how many people came to this event. It was a constant flow of people coming and going. It really showed how willing we are to help others in need. It was a great event for a great person,” said Jake Tamagni ‘19 who attended the fundraiser.
Not only is DPS making efforts for Moore, but the Inter-Residential Housing Association is taking part as well.
“Residence Life added tremendous support in collecting donations during other Super Bowl events that were held in the Residence Hall,” said Sgt. Didato.
Marketing Coordinator of Regis Hall, Ashley Kasperavich ‘20 described how her dorm planned on participating in this fundraiser.
“We had a pre-Super Bowl party in the Regis Lounge where we got snacks for people and we had a donation box. Everyone was very generous whether they were eating or not. We raised $77 in just 40 minutes. We plan on discussing more events for Meg moving forward this week with the rest of IRHA,” said Kasperavich.
IRHA made the fundraiser into a competition between the halls to increase incentive. The dorm that raises the most money will end up getting points toward community spirit week.
Excluding the money raised by IRHA, DPS has brought in around $9,000 toward their $60,000 goal.
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